Our Team

With over 70 years of combined technical, project management, and communication experience in the natural resource industry, we’ve got a seasoned team at the helm.

Binh Quan

Managing Partner / Cofounder – Technology Specialist

Binh has over 20 years of experience developing and delivering solutions in the healthcare, petroleum, transportation and natural resource.

Neil Ward

Managing Partner / Cofounder – Fisheries Biologist

Neil has more than 25 years of diverse technical, project management, and outreach experience in natural resource programs.

Priyanka Yerra

Senior Full-Stack Developer

Megan Shearer

Fisheries Data Specialist

Darika Batbayar

Full-Stack Developer

Darika has diverse technical, project management, and outreach experience developing turn-key solutions in many verticals.

Deepika Velapure

Full-Stack Developer

Minh Phan

Senior Full-Stack Developer

Minh has over 8 years of diverse technical, project management, and outreach experience in the natural resource industry.

Bruce Chau

DevOps/Quality Assurance Engineer

Heather Stanley

Copy Editor